Today's date does double duty. In about 2 1/2 hours, Gatsby's in Gahanna, OH will be the destination of my high school's All-Class Reunion. My brother Sherman is in town this weekend to attend festivities. I seriously considered going, but wasn't exactly up for coughing up $350 to board a flight requiring connection to spend the weekend in a hot and humid climate.
Also today is my 26th year in San Francisco. I came out with Sherman and his buddy Stan in my 1980 Toyota Celica to what is now my beloved home city. I now have lived in San Francisco 3 more years than I did in Columbus. But I will always have fond memories of Columbus as the town where I was born and raised.
As Sherman always does after I've attended a reunion, he calls me for a recap (who did I see, what did he/she look like). This time, I should call him.
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