Monday, July 06, 2020

Pandemic Life since March 2020 - The New Normal

I completed another orbit around the sun on June 30.  

Celebrated with a Zoom call with friends and family. What was originally scheduled as a birthday and family vacation to Columbus became a "staycation".

Because of the risks of transmission with COVID-19 still a distinct possibility and non-stop flight to Columbus changed to a stop in Chicago O'Hare, I cancelled the trip. Got a voucher which is valid until 2022.  Booked another trip for August, then cancelled again 2 days ago. It is still not safe.

While I don't miss the traffic and crowded stores before  the pandemic, these are the activities I miss most:
  1. Bowling - Exercise with social interaction is one of my most fulfilling activities. I bowled for the first time in 3 months this past week. With a mask. I’m all for safety and fully understand but I hate it. While it doesn't hinder my mechanics, it's stifling hot. I am grateful to be back doing it. For the past 8-9 years, I bowled 3 times a week. For the past 3 months, zero. As a result, I've gained 6 pounds. Gotta cut back on the burgers and fries.
  2. Watching movies in a theater - Buying assigned seat tickets online is one of the best conveniences ever. I can plan ahead to sit where and when I want and not have to leave an hour early to grab a decent seat. I enjoy watching movies at home, but a theater with a big ass screen gets my undivided attention.
  3. Dining out - I miss this so much. Whether it's by myself or with friends and/or family, it's a ritual most of us take for granted. A feast for all five of our senses.
It's not likely what I did before the pandemic will return. I'm OK with that.
I'll be a lot better when it wanes and see this life changing event end.

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