Sunday, April 26, 2020

We're Number One - COVID 19 Deaths

If you're walking 'round think'n that the world owes you something 'cause you're here 
You goin' out the world backwards like you did when you first come here yeah 
Keep talkin' bout the president, won't stop air pollution 
Put your hand on your mouth when you cough, that'll help the solution 
Oh, you cuss around women and you don't even know their names, no 
Then you're dumb enough to think that'll make you a big ol' man... 

--Luther Thomas Ingram and Mack Rice,
second verse of "Respect Yourself", released in 1971, as sung by the Staple Singers.

source: Wikipedia
Statistics change rapidly, so by the time you're reading this, the numbers will have changed. I'm not a journalist, but a very concerned American.

As of this writing, the United States is number 1 with over 55,000 deaths related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is 26.7% of ALL official deaths worldwide.


I am thoroughly fed up with the bullshit from the White House. TIME TO PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

To the doctors, nurses, therapists, and all essential personnel working tirelessly for what seems like an eternity, THANK YOU.

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