Sunday, March 15, 2020

Gone Viral

source: Live Science
As the spread of COVID-19 forces us inside, normal life as we knew it is on hiatus for the time being.

Any public gathering of 50 or more has been closed or cancelled such as bars and nightclubs. Restaurants are limited to takeout and delivery only.

It's going to be a tough run for restaurants. With no dining on premises permitted, lack of business may or will force them to close or shut down completely. The small Korean owned deli in my building closed on Friday and won't open again until Tuesday due to lack of business. As a child of restaurant operators, I am showing my support by ordering takeout as often as I can.

Shopping, tourist destinations, commuter traffic is next to non-existent.

My Monday and Wednesday night bowling leagues are cancelled for the remainder of the month. Many offices have instructed staff to work from home.

The most significant changes for me since the state of emergency:
incessant hand washing, TV/OnDemand viewing and a nauseating overexposure of panicked grocery shoppers hoarding food, hand sanitizer and toilet paper.

Cover your sneezes and coughs in your elbow or crook of your arm.
Stay hydrated. Go out only when you have to until the viral numbers flatten out.
And as Sgt. Phil Esterhaus of the Hill Street precinct ended with each roll call, "Let's be careful out there".

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