Sunday, March 22, 2020

In Memory of Vincent Chin: Why Calling it Chinese Virus Bothers Me

source: NBC News
I bet many of you have no idea who Vincent Chin is.

I bring this up because if we don't recognize why we're so sensitive about the term "Chinese virus", perhaps hearing about Vincent's tragic end might help you understand.

In short, 2 white autoworkers blamed Vincent Chin for the increased presence of Japanese auto manufacturers in the United States.*
(*taken from NBC News)

Vincent Chin was Chinese American. Not Japanese. A fight ensued. Vincent died of head injuries from the fight a few days later.

PBS's POV and NBC News have several YouTube videos on Vincent Chin, who died in June 1982. He was out with friends celebrating his upcoming wedding. Instead, his wedding became his funeral.

Here's a short NBC News clip that provides a brief, but very informative clip about Vincent Chin's story.

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